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因為我的英文不大好怕意思翻得不大通順希望有英文高手可以幫幫忙麻煩不要用google直接翻譯貼上 拜託If Airbus and Boeing feel threatened by the 110/130-seat CSeries, they are not showing it. Neither of the two firms has defined replacement plans for the A320 and 737.The lack of clarity has not slowed interest from engine... 顯示更多 因為我的英文不大好 怕意思翻得不大通順 希望有英文高手可以幫幫忙 麻煩不要用google直接翻譯貼上 拜託 If Airbus and Boeing feel threatened by the 110/130-seat CSeries, they are not showing it. Neither of the two firms has defined replacement plans for the A320 and 737. The lack of clarity has not slowed interest from engine makers, which are working to introduce significantly more efficient products. But, as it stands today, no new airframe is expected to appear until at least the last few years of the next decade. Airbus has been clear on this point. While remaining closed-mouthed as to how it aims to keep its A320 family competitive in the interim, the European firm’s chief operating officer John Leahy says he does not expect a replacement aircraft to come available before 2020. That gives Bombardier “a competitive advantage to be sure, particularly as CSeries is the only current family of aircraft designed specifically for the low-end, single-aisle market”, says Bombardier. The company estimates the needs of the 100- to 140-seat commercial aircraft market to be 6,300 aircraft, representing more than $250 billion over the next 20 years. Should the CSeries fail to gain traction, however, the industry “should probably mourn rather than cheer”, says Aboulafia, as it will give airframers little incentive to move forward their timelines for replacement narrowbodies, especially in light of today’s “major impediments” to such development – slack passenger demand, cheap fuel and pressured research and development budgets. “This is going to have a damaging impact on the arrival of new technology,” he says. Air France-KLM has been trying to persuade Airbus and Boeing to launch a new narrowbody for years. KLM senior vice-president for fleet development and aircraft trading Jan Witsenboer late last year urged for quicker progress in their narrowbody replacement projects, saying: “We wouldn’t use an interim solution. We want a definite solution, preferably much earlier.” 更新: 可以跟妳要即時通或是MSN嗎 因為其實還有很多部分還沒PO 希望我翻譯翻到有困難的時候 可以請教你一些問題 更新 2: 好 呵呵 法國航空和荷蘭皇家航空公司在2004年還是2005的時候合併的吧 目前是天合聯盟的成員之一 更新 3: Boeing, which has accumulated orders for 106 747-8s (78-8F freighters and 28-8I passenger models) since launching the General Electric GEnx-powered family three years ago, should now be flight-testing its 747-400 successor. 更新 4: But after a series of schedule delays – and two changes of programme leadership within 18 months – assembly of the first 747-8F (the leas variant) is still not complete and first flight is at least three to four months away. 更新 5: Deliveries to launch customer Cargolux, which were due to begin late this year, will now start no earlier than mid-2010. 這一段 我也看不太清楚 無法翻得很通順 麻煩你 大師>


看完文章後,感覺這篇有挑戰力,特別撥出時間來翻譯,以下是我的翻譯: 如果空中巴士跟波音公司感受到來自C系列110或130座的威脅,他們也不會說出來,因為他們並沒有A320跟波音737的的替代計畫。 在這情況不明地狀態下,並沒有阻止引擎製造商製造更高效率的產品,但依照目前的狀況,至少在未來的7,8年內,不會有新的機身出產。 空中巴士在這點上是很明確的,在他們不去談如何維持A320在過渡時期的兢爭力的同時,這家歐洲的公司營運長John Leahy表示他們預估在2020年以前,不會有替代的機型出現。C系列的製造商Bombardier表示,這將給他們競爭上的優勢,特別是C系列目前是市場上唯一設計給低單價及單一走道的機型。 該公司估計市場上100到140座位商務飛機的需求是6,300架,代表未來20年內的商機超過2,500億美金,Aboulafia表示,如果C系列無法獲利,這個產業可能是"哀悼大於歡呼",因為如此一來會讓機身製造商因較少激勵而延緩取代窄機身的時程,特別是在當下乘客的低需求、便宜的燃料、及研發預算縮減的壓力等因素下,造成發展上的阻礙。Aboulafia說,這對新技術的發展具產生破壞性的衝擊。 法國航空-荷蘭航空(這兩家有合併?)多年來一直嘗試說服空中巴士跟波音公司生產窄機身的飛機,荷蘭航空飛機發展及貿易部資深副總Jan Witsenboer 去年底敦促加快窄型飛機替代計畫的進行,他說:我們不會用過渡方案,我們要一個確定的解決方案,而且越快越好。 哇~~花了我40分鐘時間翻譯跟整理,感謝開板大給予練習英文的機會^^ 2009-06-16 10:17:28 補充: until at least the last few years of the next decade. 這句話是說~直到至少在未來十年的後幾年,我把他翻成~至少在未來的7,8年,或許你有其他的詮釋方式^^ 2009-06-16 13:13:28 補充: 很抱歉我很少用MSN或即時通 如果有疑問可以在知識網PO文,相信大家都會很樂意幫忙的 2009-06-17 15:21:12 補充: 感謝最高蘇維埃解惑


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