英文Grammar Book
我係有心學好英文grammar , 但市面grammar書林立 , 唔知點簡好... 我想搵一本"英文寫既grammar書" , 詳盡既 , 而且要內容多 , "即係一本grammar書入面涵括大量既語法既" , 唔好係粗制濫造果d , 希望各位幫幫忙 , 亦希望對列出既書本加入小小評價 , 感謝 !
Try buy Oxford English Grammar Course by Michael Swan--Catherine Walter.The units 1-317 are very detailed.It is rich in contents from words for talking about grammar to answer key.The grammar of informal spoken English is different from written. It is less complicated,leave words out and is the comment. 2014-01-18 14:41:21 補充: Grammar is the rules by which words change their forms and are combined into sentences or the study or use of these rules that will find your grammar easy as a script-writer.
TOMING88, nice choice, I have that book too. ☆ヾ(???)ノ|||||揀honey bee la一定幫到你。我之前學grammat ge foundation 都係靠佢。。。。佢每個ex.前都有個detailed explanation。等你有左深入了l解。之後有唔同levels 題型,answer 有detailed detailed explanation....你一定有進步。A9A39959EDCC7BE3