


what's the f u c k? 轉做中文點解....(有10分)


圖片參考:http://hk.yimg.com/i/header/v7dic.gif 字典首頁 - 常見問題 KK: [ 圖片參考:http://hk.yimg.com/i/dic/041.gif ] DJ: [ 圖片參考:http://hk.yimg.com/i/dic/041.gif ] vi. 1. 【粗】性交 vt. 1. 【粗】與...性交 2. (表示憤怒等)詛咒 Fuck you! 滾開! n.[S] 1. 【粗】性交 2. 一丁點兒 I don't care a *****! 我一點兒都不在乎! 3. (用以加強語氣)到底,究竟[the S] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuck Fuck is an English word which, when used literally as a verb, means "to engage in sexual intercourse". It is generally considered to be an offensive profanity. It is unclear whether the word has always been considered vulgar, and if not, when it first started to be considered vulgar. Some evidence indicates that in some English-speaking locales it was considered acceptable as late as the 17th century meaning "to strike" or "to penetrate."[1] Other evidence indicates that it may have become vulgar as early as the 16th century in England, although neither set of evidence is inherently contradictory to the other, since many words have multiple connotations. Fuck is used not only as a verb (transitive and intransitive), but also as a noun, interjection, and, occasionally, as an expletive infix. The etymology of the word is uncertain (see below). Contents[hide] 1 Etymology 1.1 False etymologies 2 Usage history 2.1 Early usage 2.2 Rise of Modern Usage 2.3 Use in politics 2.4 Use in marketing 2.5 Freedom of expression 2.6 Popular usage 3 Common alternatives 4 Other languages 4.1 Afrikaans 4.2 Chinese languages 4.3 French 4.4 German 4.5 Japanese 4.6 Latin 4.7 Norwegian 4.8 Swedish 5 Notes 6 Further reference 7 See also 7.1 Derivative words 8 External links





vi. 1. 【粗】性交 vt. 1. 【粗】與...性交 2. (表示憤怒等)詛咒 Fuck you! 滾開! n.[S] 1. 【粗】性交 2. 一丁點兒 I don't care a *****! 我一點兒都不在乎! 3. (用以加強語氣)到底,究竟[the S]

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