





本人CE24分,AL考得好差(CD DEF),唔想讀US的community college,但又想升讀US大學,有以下問題1.如果想升讀一間同HKU差唔多level的US的大學有冇可能?如有,應該點做,例如可能SAT,TOEFL要考d咩分?如果真係冇辦法,一定要讀community college,我又有以下問題.2.讀完community college,係咪一定由頭開始讀4-year degree的大學課程,可唔可以跳去second year or third year?或者讀一年community college就可以讀大學?總之我想知有冇辨法係少於6年的時間完成community... 顯示更多 本人CE24分,AL考得好差(CD DEF),唔想讀US的community college,但又想升讀US大學,有以下問題 1.如果想升讀一間同HKU差唔多level的US的大學有冇可能?如有,應該點做,例如可能SAT,TOEFL要考d咩分? 如果真係冇辦法,一定要讀community college,我又有以下問題. 2.讀完community college,係咪一定由頭開始讀4-year degree的大學課程,可唔可以跳去second year or third year?或者讀一年community college就可以讀大學?總之我想知有冇辨法係少於6年的時間完成community college+university,最好係4年 3.讀Community college GPA點先可滿分,或者高分到可以入到D好top的大學. 4.我見到Community college學費一年要US$5000左加,如果加埋住宿,伙食等雜費,實際開支一年要幾多? 5.一年Community college實際係讀幾多個月,咩時段有得放假? 如果我先係香港讀完一個不知名大學的不知名學士學位,想到US升學"洗底",我有以下問題 6.點先可以到US升學?使唔使要到Community college= =?我係香港不知名大學的GPA可唔可以代替Community college的GPA?TOEFL,SAT都要考啦下? 綜合問題 7.US的中等or至top大學用D咩準則來收international學生?而學生又可以點樣展示自己的能力,分開考試,課外活動....etc???


1. First thing you have to understand that HKU is not that great as you expect. (Sometimes CUHK and HKUST is way better.) Community colleges is the easiest way to begin based on your A-level. You only need TOEFL. It is better if you have SAT, but not required. 2.Community colleges to universities is considered as a transfer. Therefore, classes you have taken before may be transferable without repeating. What is the situation will depend on what have you studied and what is the university you are going to transfer to. 3. Study for sure and try to network with your classmates because they may be able to give you a better way to finish the courses. 4. Depends on how well you want to live and where exactly you are going, I will say USD$20,000 or HKD$160,000 in a fair number for combined budget for community colleges. 5. Each regular semester lasts about 4 months (2 semesters per year) and each quarter lasts about 3 months (3 quarters per year). 6. It will be the best start from community colleges unless you have earned Associate Degree already. Unless you can provide alternative source to prove your past performance, otherwise your previous higher education performance will be used and is possible to be used (if classes are transferable). TOEFL for sure, but not SAT. 7. Your academic performance for sure. In detail, it depends on the school itself. There is no general answer for all schools.

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