我的名字叫ABC, 今年 99 歲, 中7 畢業, 之前在一間叫 ABC的 BUYING OFFICE 裹做了差不多一年的文員, 主要的工作是跟單, 聯絡國外客戶, 而我平時的興趣比較喜歡以戶外活動為主, 例如行街和打籃球, 謝謝.
My name is ABC,I am ninety-nine years old, a form 7 graduate. I have been working as a clerk in the buying office of ABC for almost a year. My major job responsibilities are following up the invoices and communicating with the clents abroad. For my leisure time, I like to particpate in the outdoor activities such as shopping and playing basketball.
Hi! Let me try. My name is ABC, a form 7 graduate of age 99. I have been working as a clerk in the buying office of ABC for almost a year. My major job responsibilities are following up the invoices and communicating with the clents abroad. For my leisure time, I like to particpate in the outdoor activities such as shopping and playing basketball. 謝謝.(Thanks.)---haha|||||My name is ABC. I am 99 years old. I am a F.7 graduate. I have been worked as a civil official at the Buying Office in ABC Company for almost 1 yaer. I was mainly responsible for following invoices, contacting overseas customers. My hobbies are mostly outdoors activities, such as shopping and playing basketball. Thank you.|||||直接也要說一句.... 中7怎能譯做center 7? My name is ABC, 99 years old, graduated after Form 7. I have worked in a company called "ABC's Buying Office" as a clerk for a year. The main role of that job was following bills and contacting foreign customers. My hobbies are usually outdoor activities, for example shopping and playing basketball. Thank you. 請自行定奪文筆高下。|||||My name is ABC.I am 99years now.End in Form 7,i have done inABC(it is a buying office)near a year office worker,my work is phone to the people,my hobbies is more in sports .EG:shopping and play basketball, thank you 2007-01-15 16:17:45 補充: 我只是個小學生