Limited Liability Company (company law)
應該寫什麼? 更新: Tickle plc was incorporated in December 1985 with an authorised share capital of 500,000 $1 shares which is fully issued and fully paid. The original articles of association gave the directors authority to issue the initial authorised share capital. 更新 2: The directors are proposing to purchase a small workshop from Laff for $300,000 and to finance the purchase by a fresh issue of $200,000 $1 shares to Laff. In order to re-equip the workshop, they propose to raise further capital by issung a further 200,000 shares of $1 each . 更新 3: The directors propse that 100,000 of these shares should be offered to existing share holders and 100,000 to the general public. The shares to Laff, the existing shareholders and to the general public are to be offered at $1.50 for each $1 share. 更新 4: (1) what preliminary checks must the directors make before proceeding with these, proposals? State the steps the steps the directors must take to give them effect. 更新 5: (2) what are the rights of the existing shareholders in respect of the roposed issue of 400,000 shares? (3) waht limitations are there on the uses to which the premium on the shares can be put?
(1)Preliminary checks - authorised share capital 500,000 If excess 開special resolution去通過 不過開會,要21日通知,28日就要開 75%的投票權,就可以改AA 之後就去公司注冊處交文件(AA) (2) existion sharesholders 可以cancel 要5%上的投票權or more 都是21日通知,28日就要開 如果會議內,贊成的人 2.5%以上的人(投票權)過咗 or 50 member持有超過$2,000以上 (3) In paying up issued shares to be issued to members of the company as fully paid bonus shares In providing for the premium payable on redemption of redeemable