





1]If you___(come),you#ll see the special collection the shop officially opens on saturday. 2]what ___ the shop _____[open]? At nine. 係does/open定wasopening呢? 點解同講以上2個答案嘅分別..~~ 3)講出Less同much的用法 更新: 第2題如用does/open係咪代表時間己定,但個 shop 仲未開嘅,佢問佢個 shop 幾時將會開就was/opening??但我5知冰個ANS好,,, 更新 2: SOR!!2]應是when 而wasopening係is opening 更新 3: 請幫幫手吧>.< 簡單答到己經可以T_T


1]If you___(come),you’ll see the special collection. The shop officially opens on Saturday. 1. The answer is come because your sentence is a conditional future tense sentene. 2]what ___ the shop _____[open]? At nine. 2. First of all I think it should be when, not what. The answer is does and open. We choose these answers not because 代表時間己定. It is just a simple question to ask the opening time of the shop. We only use was and opened (not opening) for past tense. Example : When was the show ended? – This is a simple question. At the time we ask this question we already know that the show has ended. We just ask to know the time. ----- 3) Less同much的用法 Less has several 用法 : - as adjective to compare with little Example : He has less money than I. - as adverb to compare with less Example : I studied less than him so I failed in the examination. - as noun Example : I do not want too many toys, I want less. - as preposition to explain reduction Example : I studied three hours less 20 minutes. (you actually studied two hours and 40 minutes. ------ Much has several 用法 : - as adjective : Example : How much money do you have ? - as pronoun : You wasted much of our time. - as adverb : Example : I do not watch TV much..


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