
"can't ...?" and "can...?"


What's the difference between 'can't you understand?' and 'can you understand?' or if there is any difference bwteen 'don't you understand? and 'can't you understand 更新: thanks a lot!!!! but .... is "can't you understand?" a rhetorical question ??????????


這兩句的分別,是在於問問題的人,對答案的期望 Can't you understand,問問題的人是期望”Yes, I can"的答案,這表示,問問題的人是估計你是能夠明白的人。 而Can you understand?則問問題的人沒有預先期望的答案 而Do you understand與Can you understand的分別是,Can是能力的問題,是問對方有沒有能力明白,而Do是事實的問題,是問對方究竟明不明白 2007-04-27 09:49:53 補充: 讓我補充少許,當人問Can't you understand,問問題的人是認為被問的那個人應該是能夠的,所以在中文可以這樣譯:”難道你不能明白?”,若用廣東話可以說:”你仲不能夠明白嗎?”如:I have explained it many times, Can't you understand?”我已解釋了許多次,難道你還不能明白?”(問問題者,因著自己已解釋多次,所以,認為被問者是能明白的) 2007-05-04 11:53:33 補充: Can't you understand?這句並非rhetorical question,因為rhetorical question的作用如強制性的陳述(forceful statement),就好像Is that a reason for despair?(中譯:這是失望的理由嗎?)(當然,問者是逼大家答:不是) 2007-05-04 11:58:03 補充: Can't you understand?這只不過是問題帶著negative orientation,讓我引用【A University Grammar of English】一書的一番說話──”Negative orientation is complicated, however, by an element of surprise or disbelief which adds implications of positive meaning.” 2007-05-04 12:02:19 補充: 如:Isn't your car workikng?這句意思是:Is it really true that your car isn't working? I had assumed that it wasCan't you drive striaght?(I'd have thought you'd be able to, but apparently you can't) 2007-05-04 12:06:09 補充: 讓我修改我答案一點,Can't you understand?,若說問問題者有預期的答案,不如說發問者有預先的假設,但事情的發生與他的假設好像剛剛相反,所以發問。但Can you understand?發問者則沒有假設





can';t you understand = 那你不能明白/瞭解嗎? (含意: 乜你腦袋唔function?, 乜你唔用腦, 咁都唔明?) >> 外國來說, 非常沒禮貌的 !!! 千萬唔好用呀.. 好insult架 can you understand = 那你能明白/瞭解嗎? 你可以瞭解嗎? (含意: 都系有少少"便"意, 指唔太用腦) >> 都系同一句, 用can來問嘢系比較唔禮貌. don';t you understand = 那你不明白/瞭解嗎? (含意: 乜你不明白/瞭解? 指問你嗰個人都唔suppose你不明白/瞭解?) >> 比較正常, 有禮貌咁問 2007-04-26 15:06:41 補充: 切記,.. 一定有分別架.. 我以前細細個比鬼老上師話得多, 所以先知咋...|||||can';t you understand - 有一點無耐性的反問 ...等如 我講到咁白 ..can';t you understand 表現發問者相信 被問者還不明白 而 can you understand? 則發問者無情緒上的表現 普通咁問你明唔明白 don';t you understand? and 'can';t you understand 係一樣

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